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Helen Komene Art - Last hour of Fishing-

Would you like your favourite place turned into art for your home or office? 

Do you want to create a unique gift for someone special? 

Do you want to capture the memory of a beloved fur friend? 

Helen Komene Art - Mack the Maltesse, pe
Helen Komene Art - Surveying my domain,

Why hire Helen?


You will be really surprised how reasonable my prices are.  And on top of that, the quoted price includes the artwork AND custom framing

Custom Size

Your painting will be custom framed to precisely the size that you want in a beautiful contemporary white matt and white frame


Protecting your artwork during transit is very important to me, so I use a custom box and inside protection on the glass and corners


I ship anywhere in Australia. Once I have posted your artwork, I will send you a tracking number via the email that you provided

4 easy steps to custom artwork

1. Request

Email me with your idea, the size you would like and all your details

3. Approve

I create your artwork by the agreed deadline and you approve the final artwork

2. Quote

I'll create a quote and if you are happy with this you make small deposit to secure my time

4. Delivery

You pay the balance and I then complete the custom framing and organise delivery

Would you like a quote?

Simply email me with your size or how much you would like to spend and I'll send you a quote

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